In our presentations we endeavour to create convincing and well-researched impressions of the dress and accoutrements of people of particular cultures, sub-periods (ideally century, half-century or even decade) and of particular status or societal role. Recently there has been a trend towards re-creation of assemblages from specific graves, though most such contexts fall well short of providing sufficient evidence on which to entirely base all details of costume, let alone other more ephemeral aspects of appearance. One such matter is that of hairstyle. We very frequently encounter individuals with very strong opinions on the matter of what hairstyles the people of late- |
In this article we hope to address both questions with respect to male hairstyle and grooming, with a further article on womens’ hair and head-wear to follow.
(Originally published in October 2019)
We begin first with the evidence. Both written and pictorial sources are representative of a particular class of individual within a particular culture, at a particular point in time, and so, to begin with, there are interpretative challenges in deciding to what extent evidence exotic to a culture and century in question is relevant. At the outset, this makes the matter at hand a "can of worms", so for the purposes of clarity and convenience, the evidence discussed below is structured by its origin and not its relevance.
Early to Middle “Anglo Saxon”
The unique 5th century 3D sculptural depiction – the clay cremation lid from Spong Hill, Norfolk, known as the “Spong Man” – is in fact of ambiguous gender, with no characteristics which can clearly identify the subject as male or female, and the only distinctive feature – a carinated feature on the top of the head, though it could be a wide bun similar to an ostentatious female hairstyle trend from Imperial Rome (the Orbis Comarum), is more commonly interpreted as a pillbox hat.

“it is a rule for Frankish kings never to be shorn; instead their hair is never cut from childhood on, and hangs down in abundance on their shoulders. Their front hair is parted on the forehead and falls down on either side. Their hair is not uncombed and dry and dirty and braided up in a messy knot like that of the Turks or Avars; instead they anoint it with unguents of different sorts and comb it. […] Their subjects have their hair cut all round, and are not permitted to grow it further.”
The detail from Agathias’ description, of centre parted hair falling either side of the face, is reminiscent of what is seen on the Sutton Hoo whetstone, yet the Merovingian dynasty was marked out for its commitment to long hair (which was an essential prerequisite for kingship) and there is no reason to assume this applied to the kingdoms of “Anglo-Saxon” lowland Britain. At the root of the association between long hair and status in Frankia and possibly kingdoms in contact with them, is the expense and labour associated with its maintenance, which is hinted at by Agathias; to have long hair is to advertise that one can afford the servants, ointments and time to maintain it. For most in society, practicality and comfort would be a higher priority, especially given the ubiquitous annoyance of ectoparasites (read more here).
By the middle Anglo-Saxon period the norm appears to have been for hair to be cropped to short or medium length, though figures with longer hair in the book of Kells suggests fashions in the Celtic sphere of influence may have been different (Owen-Crocker, 2004). Men vowed to monasticism would be tonsured in the familiar Roman “crown of thorns” style or, at least up to the time of the Synod of Whitby (664 CE) in an alternative “Celtic tonsure” the particulars of which is not wholly understood. Depictions of beardless, moustached, and pointed-bearded figures continue, though plaited beards are a feature which seems to be exclusive to Celtic art. Although further into the Christian period there may have been awareness of St Paul’s dictum that men should have short hair, there is evidence for a somewhat contrary pressure of religious austerity against vanity and overly elaborate grooming. Writings from the Northumbrian scholar Alcuin, embedded in Charlemagne’s court in the late 8th century, frequently warn against extravagance of appearance (Garrison, 1995) and a letter to King Aethelred of Northumbria in 793 specifically mentions grooming;
“Considerate habitum, tunsuram, et mores principum et populi luxuriosos. Ecce tonsura quam in barbis et in capillis paganis adsimilari voluistis”.
“Consider the dress, hairstyle and luxurious habits of the princes and people. Look at your trimming of beard and hair in which you have sought to resemble the pagans”.
Classical to Migration Age “Germania”
Where contemporary sources fail us, it is usual practice to refer to Classical sources pertaining to the period prior to the nominal “Anglo-Saxon Period”, but the relevance of these, pertaining to different cultures far removed in space and time, is questionable and a matter for the reader to judge. It is likely that the on the whole highly conservative attitude to male hairstyles which (with the exception of a changeable attitude to beards) ran throughout the Roman period (abundantly evidenced in sculpture) become predominant in Roman Britain; there is little to be known of the fashions of the native Britons or to what extent they might have experienced a resurgence in the 5th century, and given other aspects of fashion and material culture became overwhelmingly dominated by influence from “Germanic” Northern Europe (uncontroversially, and to say nothing of the debate on migration) it makes sense to look at what we know of their hairstyles. |
Of the Catti (who occupied a territory encompassing Hesse, Thuringia, part of Paderborn, of Fulda, and of Franconia) Tacitus reports that;
“from the time they reach maturity they let their hair and beard grow, and do not divest themselves of this votive badge, the promise of valor, until they have slain an enemy. […] Many of the Catti assume this distinction, and grow hoary under this mark, conspicuous to foes and friends."
“it is characteristic of these people to turn their hair sideways, and tie it beneath the poll in a knot. By this mark the Suevi are distinguished from the rest of the Germans; and the freemen of the Suevi from the slaves.”
“among other nations this mode, either on account of some relationship with the Suevi or from the usual propensity to imitation, is sometimes adopted; but rarely, and only during the period of youth”.
“the Suevi, even till they are hoary, continue to have their hair growing stiffly backward, and often it is fastened on the very crown of the head. The chiefs dress it with still greater care and ornamentation, though of an undebasing kind. For their design is not to make lover or inspire it; they decorate themselves in this manner as they proceed to war, in order to seem taller and more terrible; and dress for the eyes of their enemies.”
- Trajan’s Column, Rome (2nd century)
- Portonaccio sarcophagus, Rome (2nd century)
- Tropaeum Traiani, Adamklissi, Romania (2nd century)
- Bronze sculpture in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France Paris, Cabinet des Bédailles Paris, Invenory No. 915. (1-2nd century)
- Marble head of a German from Somzée, Belgium (1-2nd century)
- Terra Cotta theatrical mask, Blacas Collection. British Museum.
- Mušov Cauldron, South Moravia, Czech Republic (2nd century)
- Bronze Cauldron from a Wielbark-Culture grave, Czarnowko, Poland. (2-3rd century)
Although it might be assumed that this abundance in Roman depictions of Germanic males might indicate its widespread adoption, it could equally be the result of artists focusing in on this distinctive hairstyle as a way of visually signalling that the subject was a German, perhaps even because of Tacitus’ writings.
However, the Suebian knot is also directly archaeologically evidenced, including from the “Angeln” region considered original home of the Anglian settlers of lowland Britain;
“…rutili quibus arce cerebri ad frontem coma tracta iacet nudataque cervix saetarum per damna nitet, tum lumine glauco albet aquosa acies ac vultibus undique rasis pro barba tenues perarantur pectine crisae.“
“… on the crown whose red pates lies the hair that has been drawn towards the front, while the neck, exposed by the loss of its covering, shows bright. Their eyes are faint and pale, with a glimmer of greyish blue. Their faces are shaven all round, and instead of beards they have thin moustaches which they run through with a comb.”
stic Saxona caerulum videmus assuetum ante salo solum timere; cuius verticis
extimas per oras non contenta suos tenere morsusarat lammina marginem comarum,
et sic crinibus ad cutem recisis decrescit caput additurque vultus.
“Here in Bordeux we see the blue-eyed Saxon afraid of the land, accustomed as he is to the sea; along the extreme edges of his pate the razor, refusing to restrain its bite, pushes back the frontier of his hair and, with the growth thus clipped to the skin, his head is reduced and his face enlarged.”
"Late Anglo-Saxon" and "Viking Age"
Like in Early “Anglo-Saxon” England, grooming tools such as combs, tweezers and shears are similarly common from Scandiavian contexts up to and including the so-called “Viking Age”. Again, similarly to the pre-Christian period in Britain, depictions of faces at reasonable resolution to discern hair details are scarce, but carvings from the Oseberg ship (wagon) show pointed beards (right), moustaches, and in one case, hair only on the very top of the head (below), with the back and sides shaved. Among Norse picture stones, men are typically shown with short hair (contrasting with women typically with long knotted ponytails) but some identifiable male figures have plaited hair – in at least one case, a ponytail was worn with a beard (Arwill-Nordbladh, 2016). There are few written descriptions, and those which do exist are quite exotic. One comes from Leo the Deacon – 10th century Byzantine chronicler, who described a meeting between Emperor John I Tzimiskes, and |
"Ic secge eac ðe, broðor Eadweard, nu ðu me þyses bæde, þæt ge doð unrihtlice þæt ge ða Engliscan þeawas forlætað þe eowre fæderas heoldon and hæðenra manna þeawas lufiað þe eow ðæs lifes neunnon, and mid ðam geswuteliað þæt ge forseoð eower cynn and eowre yldran mid þam unþeawum, þonne ge him on teonan tysliað eow on Denisc, ableredum hneccan and ablendum eagum.”
“I say to you, brother Edward, since you ask, that you act unrighteously by abandoning English customs which your fathers held, and loving the customs of the heathens who did not give life to you, showing that you despise your race and your elders by dressing yourself as a Dane, with bald neck and blinded eyes.”
Late Norse texts such as the Icelandic Eddas, though light on detail, place particular importance on grooming and hair-styling, both in descriptions of characters and as a way to communicate or reinforce social role and status (Arwill-Nordbladh, 2016). That Norse hairstyles were in some way distinctive is further reinforced by a Norwegian Kristenrett from the law of Borgarthing which suggests that, should a drowned seafarer with Norse hairstyle wash ashore, he should be buried in a Christian graveyard.
This description is reminiscent of Sidonius’ descriptions of the shaved necks of the 5th century Franks and Saxons, and resembles the depictions of Normans on the Bayeux Tapestry with the backs of their heads shaved, while the hair falls low on their foreheads. Together this might imply some degree of continuity in favoured hairstyles among “north men” from the 5th to 11th centuries.
Late Norse texts such as the Icelandic Eddas, though light on detail, place particular importance on grooming and hair-styling, both in descriptions of characters and as a way to communicate or reinforce social role and status (Arwill-Nordbladh, 2016). That Norse hairstyles were in some way distinctive is further reinforced by a Norwegian Kristenrett from the law of Borgarthing which suggests that, should a drowned seafarer with Norse hairstyle wash ashore, he should be buried in a Christian graveyard.
Beards with and without moustaches are seen (such as in the depiction of King Edgar and Christ In Majesty, New Minster Charter, MS Cotton Vespasian A viii, fol v2). Through the 11th century and into the early 12th some manuscripts show a preference for “cloud like” depictions of hair (eg. Tiberius Psalter, Ms Tiberius C vi) possibly implying slightly longer curly hair, but given this tends to span all depictions within the work it is likely artistic preference rather than representing any particular fashion.
- Written accounts, and archaeology suggesting grooming and appearance were taken seriously.
- Variation between neighbouring cultures and over time, with respect to the prevalence of shaving, the wearing of neatly trimmed/shaped beards or moustaches.
- Abundant evidence for knotted hairstyles into the Migration Period which may have persisted.
- Abundant documentary evidence for “pushing back the hairline” by shaving / undercutting in various ways, both in the Classical to Migration Age, and Viking Age.
Some of these themes may come as a surprise, in that they in some ways correlate with the distinctive looks from a now infamous History Channel show (which owes more to an early 2010s collision of contemporary borgois fashion subcultures) and run against commonly held assumptions about the Classical Era Germanic peoples, early Anglo-Saxons or Vikings being hairy unkempt barbarians. The older familiar image of long hair and untrimmed beards in fact probably owes more to the pervasive “noble savage” fantasy which has for centuries been ignorantly applied to these cultures, and possibly, too, to a degree of 20th century sub-cultural cross-pollination from the early days of re-enactment.
Nevertheless, these themes fall far short of providing precise details for any particular haircut for our main period or cultures of interest, and even if evidence were to emerge it would only capture the style worn by one person, or at best a group of people, at a particular time. There is no real basis to assume that individuals could not, or did not wear their hair differently from one day or week to the next. We have no evidence (with the exception of the monk’s tonsure, and possibly the long centre-parted hair of the Merovingian kings) for any particular hairstyle being prescribed or universal among any rung of society among these cultures. It is therefore a source of some frustration when critics state, with undue confidence, that a particular reenactor’s haircut “is not Viking” or “is not Anglo-Saxon”.
Our Position
Living History is about conversations; we do not attend events “in character” but instead discuss history and archaeology while dressed as walking visual-aids. Where haircuts might not be in line with people’s expectations, our team are prepared to discuss the actual evidence concerning the matter at length, yet it should go without saying that when an impression of a “7th century Anglo-Saxon warrior” is presented, implicit in the caption is that it is in fact a modern human being and hobbyist dressing, for a couple of weekends a year, as a 7th century Anglo-Saxon warrior.
Even if the evidence base were sufficient to allow it, it would be wholly unreasonable to expect participants to make medium to long term choices structuring their appearance around those few weekends a year – particularly where the “authentic” choice (such as the infamous Suebian Knot or "Norman haircut") might not be in keeping with particular employers’ appearance standards / dress-code. To have such expectations of commitment, particularly from those just entering the hobby, in pursuit of “authenticity” of an aspect which remains largely unknowable, is to erect unnecessary barriers to participation, when our priority should be maximising inclusion and participation.
Owen-Crocker, G.R., 2004. Dress in Anglo-Saxon England. Boydell Press. Arwill-Nordbladh, E., 2016. Viking Age Hair. Internet Archaeology, (42). Ashby, S.P., 2016. Grooming the Face in the Early Middle Ages. Internet Archaeology, (42). Behr, C., 2006. Using bracteates as evidence for long-distance contacts. Reading Medieval Studies, 32, pp.15-25. Behr, C., 2010. New bracteate finds from early Anglo-Saxon England. Medieval Archaeology, 54(1), pp.34-88. |
Garrison, M.D., 1995. Alcuin's World through his Letters and Verse (Doctoral dissertation, University of Cambridge).
Goosmann, Erik. "The long‐haired kings of the Franks:‘like so many Samsons?’1." Early Medieval Europe 20.3 (2012): 233-259.
Hills, C., 2014. Spong man in context. Landscapes and Artefacts: Studies in East Anglian Archaeology Presented to Andrew Rogerson, Oxford: Archaeopress, pp.79-87.
Rundkvist, M., 2006. Notes on Axboe's and Malmer's gold bracteate chronologies. Fornvännen, 101(5), pp.348-355.
Thevikingrune. 2019. [Online]. [12 October 2019]. Available from:
Wilson, D.M. and Wilson, D.M., 1985. The Bayeux tapestry: the complete tapestry in colour. Thames and Hudson.